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M A R T I N   R U S S
I N V E N T I O N,   I N S P I R A T I O N   a n d   I M A G I N A T I O N

Visualisers My CV - in several flavours, plus additional information in separate cover letters (CL)...
cv_media.pdf cl_media.pdf Multimedia, Online Video, Interactive Narrative, and Content Delivery
cv_ipr.pdf cl_ipr.pdf Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Patents
cv_music.pdf cl_music.pdf Music, Sound Synthesis, Visualisers and Installation Art
cv_games.pdf cl_games.pdf Video games and 3D Modelling


I'm one of those unusual individuals who works best at the intersection of technology, creative, and sales/marketing - coming up with innovation, persuasion, strategies, and new combinations / products / solutions for clients, marketing, creatives and developers. I have experience in all of these areas, but most of all, I have experience at utilising them in combination.

I'm an innovator, catalyst, and evangelist in interactive video, web, games, music, audio, art, narrative, media... If there isn't a solution to be found, then I'll adapt, or even invent one - see my CV for the technology company that I founded because current video technology would not do what I wanted! .

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© Martin Russ 2013