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M A R T I N   R U S S
I N V E N T I O N,   I N S P I R A T I O N   a n d   I M A G I N A T I O N

Sound Synthesis & Sampling Book 1st Edition Sound sampling and synthesis, aka 'SS&S'

My book, as published by Focal Press, and available from Amazon and many other book sellers.

The cover shown on the left is from the first edition, which first went on sale in 1996.

Sound Synthesis & Sampling Book 2nd Edition I had been working for some time on a new 'completely revised and updated' second edition, and it (SS&SII) was published in May 2004.

The new edition featured a completely new chapter which looked at using synthesizers in live performance, and had a new front cover , as shown on the left.

Sound Synthesis & Sampling Book 2nd Edition From 2007 to 2008, I pulled the entire book apart, revised and updated it, changed the chapter numbering and ordering, and finally put it all back together again. A monumental task, but the result is aimed at bringing the current trend of software synthesis and virtualisation into a consistent framework with the hardware-oriented book of old. In the process, the glossary was moved online, the cover was redesigned (wonderful work by Focal Press - I love the cover (left)) and the long-planned 'Cookbook' moved up in priority..

I am very pleased to be able to announce that the the SS&SIII Glossary, albeit only partially finished, is now available for previewing here.

This web-site will eventually present additional material related to the book, plus any corrections.

CD-ROM Easter Egg Zero CD-ROM Easter Egg Zero New Easter Egg Zero (July 2004)

This idea came to me when I updated the main page for the book on this site in July.
[ 60 Kbytes ]
sy99 floppy drive replacement sy99 floppy drive replacement SY99 floppy drive replacement (July 2004)

How I replaced a floppy disk drive in one of my synthesizers...
CD-ROM Easter Egg 1 CD-ROM Easter Egg 1 CD-ROM Easter Egg 1 (December 2008)

When the CD-ROM accompaniment for the first edition of the book was produced, I included a few special hidden features. Since the original CD-ROM is no longer available (the third edition of the book features a completely different CD-ROM), I'm going to gradually include some of them, plus some new ones, here... The first of them is this Easter Egg, which was originally produced as a hidden feature for anyone who searched the CD-ROM in detail...
CD-ROM Easter Egg 2 CD-ROM Easter Egg 2 New Easter Egg 2 (December 2008)

When I was updating the web-site in December 2008, the revised GIF used for the book covers gave me an idea or two...
CD-ROM Easter Egg 2 CD-ROM Easter Egg 2 LIMTEC Keynote (November 2006: work in progress)

I was invited to give the keynote speech on the final day of the Leeds College of Music's Music Education Technology Conference (LIMTEC) in November 2006, and I'm going to put some of the highlights here...
Mixer History Mixer History Mixer History (work in progress)

A brief history of the mixer...

This sounded like an easy project. The reality has proved more challenging. It seems that there is very little information available on the history of the mixer, so I'm gathering whatever I can...


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© Martin Russ 2008